
Thursday, December 22, 2011

1st Birthday

The Big Numero Uno! 

The day started out with lots of presents from loved ones:

Looking at a new book:

Time for Cake!  The birthday party was a monkey theme:

At first, the little guy wasn't too sure what was going on:

So he shared with his cousin:

But then the opportunity of having an entire cake to yourself set in:


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fall Pictures

This family was comprised of 3 sisters and 1 brother!  This boy will be so sensitive when he grows up after being surrounded by women his entire life.  Here are some of my favorite pictures from the shoot:

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Now that winter is here and bookings have slowed down, I can finally edit some of my own pictures!  Here are some pictures from a wedding we went to in Brooklyn over the summer.  I wanted to photograph the Brooklyn Bridge using some different effects.  These were all taken using HDR (High Dynamic Range) around 10 pm at it was pretty dark!  I took three pictures of each scene.  One picture was overexposed, one picture was underexposed and the last was just right.  Then I blended the photographs together in photoshop.

I love this shot of the subway using the technique described above:

Here is proof that NYC is the city that never sleeps, this shot was taken around midnight: